Progressive Equine Keeps Your Performance Horse in Great Shape
Sport horses are under tremendous pressure to perform on demand. It is vital that performance horses stay in excellent condition, both physically and mentally, so that they can perform to their highest potential when it counts.
At Progressive Equine, our veterinarians have a tremendous depth of experience in caring for horses that participate in local county fairs, to regional events, all the way to national and international competitions, including the Olympics.
Caring for performance horses at Progressive Equine includes:
Lameness evaluation to watch your horse move "in hand," "under saddle," or both.
Neurologic exams to ensure your horse is up to the rigors of sport performance.
Farrier consultation to develop an optimal shoeing program for your horse.
Complementary medicine, including equine acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, to enhance performance and to ease anxiety at the time of competition.
Shock Wave Therapy and Laser Therapy for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions including sore backs, necks, tendon and ligament injuries and fractures.
Joint injections to help ease pain associated with repetitive injury and overuse.
All of our performance horse owners receive a recommended monthly maintenance program for their horse that includes joint supplements tailored to their needs and nutrition advice that will help their horse stay healthy and in peak condition. In addition, we created custom-tailored rehab programs for performance horses that have suffered injuries in the course of competition.